Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fully Sick

Yes, we are a fully sick family. My three babies, Bailey, Nathan and Andrew are currently sleeping of a pretty yucky bout of gastro. Last night I took Nathan to the Emergency department because he was having some pretty severe stomach cramps, and by the time we arrived he was very dehydrated as well.

Bailey was sick on Saturday, but appears fine, and Andrew unfortunately succumbed in the early hours of this morning, not long after we arrived home from hospital.

Mummy (me) thinks she may have started it all as I had very severe stomach cramps Friday before last . . . or I'm yet to get it - definitely something to look forward to.

On a brighter note this pudding is one I did for the Lilydale show last year. I scanned in some pretty funky paper to use as a backdrop. Just started calligraphy lessons that will include this year's Christmas masterpiece, currently uninspired by this but it will happen. We're doing Gothicised Italic and all that practice I've done making my Italic less pointy and more rounded just get thrown out of the window!

Scarily, Monash Uni think my idea for a Master's thesis has potential and I now need to work on a 2-3 page proposal outlining my arguments, summarising my points and discussing potential reading and research that will need to be done. At no stage did I consider what it would take to write 30-40,000 words on 'Parallels between medieval calligraphy and contemporary abstrast/experimental calligraphy' . Still I love an intellectual challenge. And I still need to find my transcripts from my three other degrees before applying . . . you can see how I value my testamurs can't you, do I have any idea where they might be? You guessed it - none whatsoever. I do the study for the enjoyment not the piece of paper!!!!

Well while all is still silent here I'm going to make myself a hot cup'o'char and find a quote to go with this fairy drawing I have almost finished. Then if time permits I'll play with the ruling pen working out how to do the gestural writing style of Yves Leterme. Wish me luck . . .

1 comment:

Jacinta said...

Karen... hi!

What gorgeous work you are doing and how exciting you are managing to sell some also. That must be a great motivator. Congratulations.

As for computers and photoshop - I totally understand what you mean. I think what you need to do (as you are surrently working in greyscale (thus the greyscale slider) is go image - mode - cmyk. The mono will stay black and white... and the areas you want to amend? You should now be able to change to colour! Good luck!