Sunday, October 7, 2007


Totally frustrated with Photoshop again. It is the least intuitive program I have ever used. I finally worked out how to manipulate the colour of a black and white image that I have scanned. Now I'm trying to add a background colour via a new layer - the problem? Everytime I select a colour and hit okay I can only get the Grayscale slider up on the colour swatch palette, which means I can't play around with the colour as much as I'd like, can I work out how to change it . . . no . . . can I find anything in help that would actually help me . . . . no . . . am I ready to throw the computer out in the rubbish bin . . . yes . . .

So, I'm going to do what any insane Photoshop user is going to do . . . turn the bloody computer off and go and draw using real pencils and real colours, until I calm down enough to nut out how to change it . . . .

So . . . bye, bye . . .

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