Tuesday, July 15, 2008

All in a day . . .

In many ways Bailey and Nathan are extremes. While being normal boys they love to run around, jump of anything (although Bailey has more height fear) and do rough play. But when all is said and done they and it's time to focus they like different things.

Bailey loves to do puzzles and he is a whiz at them.

Nathan loves to fly through the air!!! A superman in the making.
Today is Tuesday and that means Nanna is coming - yippee!! Calligraphy doesn't start for another week, but today I need to head over to Monash library in Clayton so that I can borrow some more books - the problems seems to be reading them not finding them!! I have to get some words to my MA supervisor and I'm sure she wants something other than, 'I have no idea what to write!' Currently my focus is on the nineteenth century revival of calligraphy, and more specifically broad nibbed calligraphy. But getting the words out of my brain at the moment is a challenge. Still that was one of my reasons for doing my Masters, to challenge myself intellectually.

Nathan is now helping Mummy to type mkhgfcfdc8ki he love s to be helpul.